
Bayer Baycox Cattle & Piglet For Treatment of Coccidiosis 1L

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Baycox Cattle & Piglet is for the treatment and prevention of coccidiosis in cattle up to 9 months caused by Eimeria bovis or Eimeria zuernii. Coccidiosis typically occurs in cattle less than a year old causing diarrhoea which is often blood stained. Recently weaned calves are particularly susceptible to outbreaks of clinical disease. One dose is effective because it attacks all stages of the parasite in the animal.

Metaphylactic treatment of Cattle & Piglets as soon as clinical signs of disease are seen will reduce the impact of an outbreak by preventing further intestinal damage in affected animals. This treatment approach will also prevent non affected animals from developing diarrhoea. To obtain maximum benefit on farms with a history of coccidiosis, the product needs to be given approximately 1 week prior to the expected onset of clinical signs. Treatment of newly weaned calves at the time of meal withdrawal will control coccidiosis associated with weaning.