Bayer Selovin LA Selinium Injection 500mL
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Selovin LA is for the treatment and prevention of Selenium deficiency in cattle and sheep. Selovin LA contains Barium selenate, which slowly releases selenium into the body after injecting under the skin. Selovin LA works to elevate selenium blood and tissue levels in deficient states.Selenium is a trace element that is vital for normal metabolism. Selenium is necessary for growth and fertility. Protects against selenium deficiency in cattle for up to 12 months and in sheep for up to 18 months. Ensures adequate selenium levels to maintain fertility, immunity and prevent production losses associated with selenium deficiency. Cost effective management of selenium deficiencyConvenient and safer form of selenium supplement due to the slow release of selenium following administration. No withhold periodsAdminister by subcutaneous injection high on the neck behind the ear. Withhold periods: MILK: 0 days MEAT: 0 days Export Slaughter Interval (ESI): Not required.