
i-Pluck Gamebird Plucker - Large

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he quail plucking machine model provides a fast, effective and comfortable way with its patented design. After slaughtering and wetting, 10-14 quails can be plucked at once.

Thanks to the special tire arrangement, I travel more with fewer tires and your tire replacement costs are lower.

The plucking fingers are printed from natural rubber in special structure and formulation.
It provides a comfortable way without damaging the skin. It plucks young and old quails successfully.
It leaves no feathers even on the wings and tail, which are hard plucked.

Partridge, pheasant and chicken plucking can also be done with this feather plucking machine specially manufactured for quail plucking.
Small turkeys, ducks and goose can also be plowed by holding the rotating disc by hand.
For a quality plucking, it is recommended to use a feather plucking machine specific to the poultry species.