
Kelato Quikheal Greasy Heel Ointment 200g

QuikHEAL is an broad-spectrum antifungal and antibacterial ointment, containing  sulphur and copper sulphate to heal greasy heel and other skin conditions fast.

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Antifungal, antibacterial and water-resistant ointment to eliminate greasy heel and other general skin disorders. What is QuikHEAL? QuikHEAL is a broad-spectrum antibacterial and antifungal ointment, containing sulphur and copper sulphate to assist rapid healing from greasy heel and other skin conditions. QuikHEAL treats a broad range of conditions: Greasy heel. Rain Scald. Ringworm. Dermatitis. Girth gall. Saddle sores. Nicks and cuts. Features & Benefits: QuikHEAL does NOT contain lead. Fast acting. Antibacterial and antifungal. Easy to use. Highly effective against infection. Thick ointment that doesn't run off easily. Water resistant - acts as a barrier. Ingredients: Sulphur. Copper sulphate. Tar acids