
Ranvet Hoof Food 1Kg

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Supplies daily biotin requirement (15mg) per 30g scoop in addition to all other co-factors essential for healthy hoof growth and repair.Improves hoof strength and resilience.Allows cracks and defects of the hoof to repair and grow out.Regenerates normal hoof wall growth.Highly palatable powder.Easily mixed into the ration. Supplies a combination of zinc, methionine, sulphur, choline, magnesium and gelatin for optimum hoof wall growth.Reduces tender soles and dry, brittle walls.Promotes stronger, healthier hoof and sole wall.Ensures water soluble B-Group vitamin, Biotin is replenished daily facilitating optimal available levels.Treats a variety of hoof associated defects such as cracked wall, contracted heels, thin soles, bruised soles, seedy toe, split frogs, laminitis and dry shelly feet. Dosage Rates:Treatment dose 30g daily; Routine use 15g daily; Pregnant mares 60g daily (last trimester). Mix Ranvet Hoof Food thoroughly through feed daily. One level measure holds 30g Hoof Food.