Vetsense Permetrol 250mL
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Permetrol is an insect and fly treatment for Horses and Dogs.Horses:Controls;Pyrethroid sensitive flies;Buffalo Fly, Stable fly, Biting insects. Treats Queensland Itch Dogs:Controls;Fleas, Ticks (adult Rhipicephalus sp.).Treats allergic dermatitis. Active Ingredient: 40g/L Permethrin 25:75 (cis:trans)Animal Pest Dilution Critical Comments Dogs FleasFleas AlelrgyDermatitis10mL/400mL of water or methylatedspirits (if rapid drying is required10mL/400mL ofwater Spray animal entirely ruffling the coat to ensure adequate penetration and coverage.Use weekly.Spray or rinse as above daily untilsymptoms are controlled, then as required.Spray or rinse as above daily until symptoms are controlled, then as required. Horses TicksStable Fly, Buffalo Fly, Sand-Fly, Queensland Itch10mL/400mL ofwater or methylatedspirits (if rapid dryingis required)10mL/400mL ofwater Use in paralysis tick areas daily, searching and removing any ticks found is necessary.Spray as required for fly nuisance.