Zee Tag Orange Post Breeder Tags with LARGE Matching Management Tags
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Includes the Zee Tag Ornage Post breeder tag with matching large management tag. Just fill out the details, or call us on 1800 816699 during business hours to order. If ordering for a Queensland property, please fax your DPI Authority to purchase these tags after placing the order to our fax at 1800 007134. If you don't have a DPI authority, call them on 13 25 23 to obtain an authority.
Matching management tags include the button. Available in nine colours Yellow, White, Orange, Red, Purple, Black, Pink, Green & Blue The management tag is printed with your PIC number over the number range you choose. Trayed with the NLIS tag. Minimum order for these tags is 25. Orders for less cannot be processed.
Matching management tags include the button. Available in nine colours Yellow, White, Orange, Red, Purple, Black, Pink, Green & Blue The management tag is printed with your PIC number over the number range you choose. Trayed with the NLIS tag. Minimum order for these tags is 25. Orders for less cannot be processed.
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